Designed originally as a game concept, The Everlings: Homebound tells the tale of 2 siblings, the only children in the last 100 years of a mystical species known as the everlings, the spirits and protectors of the Fulmore Valley. However, in a quick turn of events, the two end up stranded far away from home and must work together to get back before the blooming of the Etherium tree at the end of the springtime, or else the valley's ecosystem will fall into chaos. 
In Everling culture, the most important relationships exist between siblings, as they are the only family they have. Their bond is even stronger because Flora and Fern are the only children born for over a hundred years from the Etherium tree. Being the youngest members of their society, they have much to live up to. This pressure affects each character in very different ways, shaping them to be who they are when the player(s) take control at the beginning of the game.

The Fulmore Valley extending off into the horizon as Flora and Fern take flight on some birds.

By traversing this 2D sidescrolling platformer and puzzle solver, the player would uncover secrets, hone their skills with new abilities,  fight daunting enemies and make new friends. All while travelling across the vast biomes held within the valley, from the vast forests and snow-capped mountains to the hot springs and pollution bogs. 
Character Designs and Personalities
I came up with the idea for the characters while trying to think of unique storytelling and world perspectives. I settled upon the idea of a small creature, a bit like a forest spirit that looked like a mix between a bug and a plant. I felt that the small scale would allow me to turn mundane moments in a regular world into a fantasy for the viewer. As when you are small, everything can be fantastical.
Flora is a determined and cautious individual that follows all the rules. She wants to live up to the older generation's high expectations and do anything to make them proud.  
Thus, Flora was born; her hair is made of leaves, while a flower is featured blooming on her head like a hat or crown. The small flower filaments are designed to look like bug antennae, and her mischievous smile, pointy ears and spiritual traits are inspired by garden gnomes and elves. Her nose is meant to look like a root vegetable, and her belt is made to hold onto new items she acquires.  Finally, her feet and legs are designed to look like grass strands.
A rambunctious and energetic child who is often getting into trouble.  He has a strong sense of adventure and will always do his best to do the right thing.
Fern was created to match Flora’s design. He has many of the same physical features, such as the flowers around his neck and wrists and a helpful pouch attached to his hip. He has bandaged and stitched-up shoes that show how rough he is and how often they’ve been repaired. As opposed to a flower, Fern has a 4-leaf clover on his head, which represents his luck and resembles a classic propellor hat; however, the clover allows him to flutter around in-game.
Development Work

A drawing of Flora riding a boulder pup

Extra sketches of the main characters along with an enemy.

A character line-up of some early designs for main and side characters in the game.

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