Welcome to the Truffleton Valley a magical land tucked away far from regular society. 
Starting as a show pitch package. The plot follows two children, the timid newcomer and outsider Klara and the outgoing nature-obsessed Leopold as they venture into the lands surrounding their town to find magical ingredients for the village bakery. Along the way, they'll meet fantastical creatures and people, and learn lessons about the world they live in.
The colourful views of the Truffleton Valley

The Syrup Reserve and Refinery

The Syrup Factory. Run by maple elves who can’t get enough sugar, built up in the tall maple trees with complex contraptions carrying the syrup and boiling it using a magical blue flame that doesn't burn wood.

Twilight Temple

Twilight Temple, is a long abandoned ruin sitting high above the clouds, The trek to it is long and treturous, but those who brave it are rewarded with the moon fruit that grows exclusively upon its peaks. Watch your backs however as the Nocturnowls don't like trespassers.
Truffleton village. A small settlement nestled into the valley, famous for the magical bakery that calls it home. The village would be the central location of the series.
Meet the characters!
Toy product concept
Based on the character Splotch from the character line-up and her love of shooting berries at
unsuspecting villagers. I decided to take that idea and designed a lighthearted and fun toy gun
for kids that shoots coloured foam balls as ammo. The tail reloads the toy, and you can insert
the balls in the top before they shoot out the trunk. I also made the front legs into an extra grip
and the back legs into a handle.
Concept Art and Sketches

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