Title Screen

Introducing Astro Babble - The word game set in Outer space. Like the game Hangman, the player must attempt to guess the letters in a word, except now there's a ticking clock! Can you figure out the password to the airlock? Or will you be forever adrift in space?
Our team created the game as part of a final group project. As the artist on the team, I created all the characters, backgrounds, and UI. Additionally, I coded and designed the systems responsible for character customization, made the early in-game score bar, and created the tutorial video and functionality.
Play the game
The Characters
Accompanied by a fun cast of characters, each with three selectable colours to choose from!
To give players plenty of different ways to express themselves, I designed each character to be unique.
While designing the logo, my main focus was on keeping the space imagery, while also integrating the game's initials into the design.
To accomplish that, I connected the letters with a ring-like shape wrapping around a central planet.
Screen Captures
Character Customization Screen
Character Customization Screen
Home Screen
Home Screen
Thank you
A thank you card to my group members who developed the game alongside me.
Thanks to Daniel Gagné, Blake Cyze and Summer Delaimi for your help making Astro Babble possible!

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